Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vote Your (Well Informed) Conscience

What I am about to write is not intended to encourage you to vote for any one candidate, but I do believe that we need to take a fair, insomuch as I can make it without bias kicking in, look at some of the things that are going on this election cycle. Let's start with the large elephant the RNC has placed in the room.



Donald J. Trump

Ever since Trump announced his candidacy last year I have watched in growing shock, amazement and horror. I cannot believe how far he has made it in this election cycle! There are so many things about him that make him a reprehensible person, let alone a candidate for the highest office in the land.

As a political science student I like to look at patterns and case studies of different elections, I prefer other countries, but this election cycle is so horrendous I've started to pretend it is another country and not my own. I was thinking about the fact that Political Science is sort of a reactionary science. We take a look at historical data, analyze it and then tell you what we can predict based on that data set. So I truly wonder if some political scientist decided to step into the experiment arena and tricked Trump into running "just to see what will happen." But that's beside the point.

Trump is a reprehensible human being. He has been from the very beginning. I mean I guess we'll start with the thing that is on the forefront of everyone's minds: The Trump Tapes. It is unfortunate that these came to light, but what is even more horrifying is that they actually exist. Due to the fact that I listen to several different political podcasts I have heard censored versions of the transcripts. They weren't censored enough. It is horrifying to me that any man could ever say such awful things about a woman, any woman, even if he never did them. They are simply horrible. I cannot believe that every man talks like this, that it is "locker room banter." I have grown up surrounded by men all of my life. My father, brothers, friends, neighbors. Never once have I heard such vulgar and awful references to women. He calls it "locker room banter," that's an insult to locker rooms across the country. Real men respect women, they don't talk about them like objects, and they always ask for consent. What is so awful about these tapes is that what he is describing, if he actually did it, is not locker room banter, but sexual assault. I work at a university, I've sat through the Sexual Harassment Prevention training. Literally EVERYTHING Trump says is sexual harassment in one way or another.

But why is it that the Trump tapes are the straw that broke the American backs? He has been talking like this since the very beginning of the election. Oh not in such vulgar terms, but let's walk back to when Trump wanted to ban an entire religion from entering this country. How those who practice Islam fear that if Trump is elected even if they are here legally they will be forced to leave. Why is it that comments about women in a sexual context are more insulting than every racist, bigoted comment that has ever left his mouth? These issues should not be ranked. We should care about those who are the subject of racism as much as we care about how he treats women.

None of this even remotely talks about his finances or his compulsive lying. His childish behavior both on the debate floor and on twitter. His apparent disregard for National Security and his lack of reservation and willingness to use nuclear weapons.

So finances. One of the reasons many people like Trump is because he is a businessman and he is going to try to fix the national debt. People. Why would you ever trust a man who has filed for business bankruptcy at least four times. A fifth came this week when one of his casinos shut down over the weekend. In addition this is the man who says he did a good job because he avoided corporate finances for at least 15 years. And this is the man we want running our country? I can handle my finances better, and I'm a 20-year-old college student.

His compulsive lying gives me pause as well. Many have said that Trump is the better option because Hillary is a liar. Yeah, Hillary has lied as well, but can we just look at the debate from Sunday night? In that debate alone I'm pretty sure Trump lied 75% of the time. He lied about his ties to Russia, he lied about saying the things on the tapes. In the first debate he lied about releasing his tax returns. Basically when Trump opens his mouth you can assume that over half the time, what's about to come out is a flat out lie. And while we're on the subject of Russia: Trump claims he doesn't have any ties over there economically which is patently false. He may not have any loans, but he does have monetary ties. And also, he and Putin are friends. That should make you worry. Trump has continued to hold up Putin as an example of a strong leader and has even talked about Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea, as another strong leader. I don't know about you, but a president who emulates Un and Putin would scare me into my grave. That's not to mention the fact that early on in his candidacy there was a comparison of Trump quotes to Hitler quotes and they were eerily similar. DOES THIS WORRY NO ONE ELSE?????????????

As to his childish behavior. Only a two year old repeats "Wrong" over and over again when someone disagrees with him. Only a two year old, or extremely immature 70-year-old would continue to tweet at 3 am about a former beauty queen he did say rude things about. Only a child would create and then fat shame a computer hacker he just made up. Sometimes Trump can't even form coherent sentences, let alone respond maturely to facts that he doesn't like.

As for national security. The man has threatened to make Mexico, someone we're on rather friendly terms with, pay for a wall that wouldn't help and would only serve to make relations worse. In addition Foreign Affairs reported a couple weeks ago that making Trump president is among ISIS's top priorities. Does that scare you? Cuz if it doesn't it definitely should. ISIS, the bloodiest and most evil terrorist group we have seen in a long while, wants Trump to be president.

As for the rest of the world, most people are not about to work with Trump. Britain already tried to ban him from their country. Now, in case you didn't know, the President of the United States is actually the highest ranking foreign policy official in this country. 75% of the president's job is foreign policy and national security, and there aren't many checks and balances on that part of things. The president pretty much has carte blanche, unless he puts troops on the ground, in which case he has 90 days before he needs congressional approval, and a lot of damage can be done in 90 days. So really what we should be doing is electing president's based on Foreign Policy. Congress will decide domestic policy, but the president, the president decides foreign policy, and he or she has to interface with countries and leaders worldwide, which means we really need someone who isn't going to offend another country with a tweet at 3 am. We need someone who can be respected, or if not that, at least won't royally mess up our relationship across the world. Trump would blow relationships within 2 minutes of attaining office. He doesn't know the meaning of the word discretion or classified. We're worried about some emails of Hillary's from a couple of years ago? A Trump in office could spell much worse disaster.

As for nuclear weapons, Trump has shown an utter disregard for any reservations we as a country have in using nuclear weapons. We don't war game with nuclear weapons for a reason. They are literally our last choice. We would do ANYTHING before resorting to nuclear annihilation. Trump doesn't share those same reservations.

I don't know about you, but after all that , and this is just a short summary, a Trump presidency scares me half to death. I have nightmares about it. It makes me cringe every time I see his name in my twitter feed. I literally gag every time he tweets. A Trump presidency is simply unacceptable, and if you can't see that after all of this, I simply don't know how to convince you.


3rd Party

Quick chat about the third party candidates.

Jill Stein-Green Party

The woman is legitimately crazy. Why we'd put her in charge of anything I'll never know. Although some of her memes have been wonderful.

Gary Johnson-Libertarian

While Johnson is definitely the one who stands the best chance against the two major party candidates, there are some things about him that worry me. For one, when asked to name four world leaders, he couldn't name even one. How can you lead foreign policy if you don't know the players and or where the countries are? Also he tries to play off his lack of knowledge in the foreign arena as a good thing. But the first 100 days of presidency are critical, and you cannot be playing catch up on who's who during that 100 days. You have to know the players, you cannot afford to be ignorant.

Evan McMullin

While I truly believe in a lot of what McMullin has to say, and he definitely is the least crazy, and one of the most qualified, I think that there are problems with his campaign, the first being that he jumped into this election so late and therefore can't get on as many ballots as he needs to. I have been surprised at how well his message is getting out there, but I do live in Utah, so that may be it. I think that McMullin could make a great president, he definitely has the foreign expertise to not blow things up internationally. However, the plan to get him elected literally hinges on a technicality, and I don't know how I feel about that.



Hillary R Clinton

Let me start out this segment by saying, I don't actually like Hillary. In fact, prior to the first debate I didn't want to vote for her, I'm still not sure I do, but I will tell you one thing. I worry less about her being president than a lot of the other candidates.

The thing about Hillary is that she has the expertise and the background to make sure that our international relationships don't fall apart. Do I want her to be president? Not particularly. Has she lied? Yes, she has. But I think that it is fair to say that her lies were not as egregious as Trump's are right now. Yes there have been things in her political career that give me pause. But I truly believe that in a world that is so unstable, we need someone with experience and steady hand. Since I have only one feasible choice for that, I have to believe that Clinton will only remain in place for four years and then I can handle someone new.


So now what?

Vote your conscience. It doesn't matter what I've said here. It really doesn't. You vote your conscience. If you can sleep at night after casting your vote, you've done well.

If you aren't currently registered to vote, GO. NOW.  This election could be one of the most important in recent memory, there is NO real excuse not to vote.

And then be sure to keep foreign policy in mind. The president doesn't control domestic policy as Trump seems to think. We here in America have a system of checks and balances called Congress, but in matters of Foreign Policy; well, friends, that's all on the president and the man or woman he or she appoints as Secretary of State.

So no matter who you are, if you are of voting age, it is your duty and responsibility to vote this election season. Because regardless of what you do that night, after election night we all have to live with the consequences of that vote. And I, for one, would like to live in a guilty-conscience free environment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm voting for Brigitte for President . . .oh, wait. . .were you born in the United States?
